Friday, June 11, 2010

Cake Making and Decorating

As you can see from the description of my blog, I love cooking, quilting and crafts of all kinds. I tried some cake decorating and I absolutely loved it.

I want to make something special for my parents' 30th anniversary and the fact that it was gonna coincide with their holidays here in Ireland made things easier.

I had help from a friend, Betty, who is as well a professional baker, specialized in beautiful celebration cakes : wedding, engagement, etc... Despite having a broken hand, she helped me make the most beautiful cake for my parents' anniversary! It wasn't a too complicated cake by all means, but because it was my first one, it still took me 4 hours to decorate it only! I was exhausted by the end of it, but boy was I happy! And the result was worth the effort.

1 comment:

  1. Coucou ma grande,
    Au fait, et le droit à l'image !!!! Ca peut revenir très très très cher de publier une photo sans l'accord des intéressés. Aie!aie!aie!
    Enfin, pas de problème, nous sommes "BEAUTIFUL" alors ça va.
    Très gros bisous et à bientôt.
